5 Mile Run…Scratch That…5 Mile Walk!

Tonight sucked, but I’m not going to beat myself up about it.  I knew as I was teaching my 4th hour class, and my legs began aching and tightening up, that tonight’s run would be crap.

I still don’t know why my “short” runs during the week are so….weak.  I killed my 10+ mile run on Saturday.  I walked a few miles on Monday, but I thought I’d be “rested” enough by today.  Nope.  Negatory.  The legs just wouldn’t go.  I ended up interval running the first few miles walking the middle mile and interval running the last mile.  And by interval running, I mean lots of walking and a weeeee bit of jogging. :/

I will be trying another 5 tomorrow on my tired legs.  This is mainly because I want to do some crosstraining on Thursday, rest Friday, and run my 12 miles on Saturday on fresh legs.  I have a few weeks in between the end of the Hal Higdon training plan and my actual half marathon, so I’m doing 12 this weekend and 13 next weekend. After my 13, I will taper per Hal and run my half on the 5th!

Also, my scale is a b-word.  It WILL NOT MOVE (except to fluctuate…in the WRONG direction!).  Is it from all my training?  Is my body holding on to weight for some reason?  Am I building a little muscle?  Surely some of you runner peeps have been through this!  I’m holding at 164ish (so I obviously have a little more to lose…it just won’t come off).  My lowest was 157.  Last week, the scale crept up into the 170s!  I ate a little extra that weekend, but not 10 pounds worth of food!  Any ideas from my veteran runner friends?  I’m not beating myself up over this either.  I know my calories and food choices are in check.  I also know that even though I haven’t lost anything since I started training, that my body is actually smaller.  Much smaller.  So something is happening!  I guess we will see what happens when training is over.

I’ll be back tomorrow to cry about another bad run!  🙂